Jesus is the answer

The question that we are all seeking an answer to is this: How can I be truly happy?

Blaise Pascal the French physicist has said, “All men seek happiness.
This is without exception… This is the motive of every action of every man, even of those who hang themselves.”

All people are created with a built in longing to be at rest, to be satisfied, to be secure, to be happy.
Our problem as humans though, is that a deep sense of rest and happiness can be quite elusive, like a slippery bar of soap we can’t quite get hold of.

We believe this is due to us seeking our happiness in all the wrong places, in things that do not ultimately scratch our itch and meet our deepest needs.

We believe that God has created every person male and female in his image.
We are created to reflect God and his love in this world, to share in his happiness and to serve him with joy in all we do.
He has created us to work, to rest, to live all of our lives under his Fatherly care and authority for our good and eternal happiness.

Our problem is that we naturally reject God’s authority over us.
Wanting to be our own masters, we suppress the truth of the existence of God so that we can do things our own way and chart our own moral course in the world.

We renounce the idea of true rest and happiness being found in God and turn to other things for rest and happiness.
We look to money and material goods, family and friendships, success and standing for that security that only God can give.

This exchange of seeking our happiness in other things apart from God the bible calls sin.

Sin dishonours God and sin brings us under the just judgment of God.
Sin separates us from God both now and for all eternity.
Sin may look shiny and satisfying on the outside but inside it is empty and disappointing.
The bible shows us that we have all sinned and been cut off from God the only one who can satisfy our deepest longings.
In fact, this separation from God is the source of all these deep longings and sense that something is not right deep down inside of us.
We are far from home not knowing or desiring the way back.

Without a relationship with God we can never know true rest and happiness in our deepest being.

Jesus, the answer to our question

This is where Jesus is seen as the answer to our big question, “How can I be truly happy?”

God sent Jesus to save us from God’s just judgment.
In Jesus’ death and resurrection God judged our sin.
In Jesus the barricade of sin that cuts us off from God and true rest and happiness was broken down
and the way was opened for us to return to our true resting place under the fatherly care and authority of God.

But the good news of Jesus isn’t the type of news you just listen to and then forget.
It requires a response from each and every one of us.
The good news places a call on each of us.

In order to receive forgiveness for your sins and eternal life with Jesus you must
turn away from your sin and put your trust in what Jesus has done on your behalf.

It is when you do this that God saves you.
Your sin and judgment are left behind; they died with Jesus.
The bible speaks of this as being born again, being made a new creature, being washed from all our sin.

Coming to Jesus reconciles us to God.
This is where we know true rest, this is where we find our true sense of who we are and what we were created to do.

The bible says when anyone comes to Christ truly, they are made new.
Our whole lives are to be shaped by that very good news that saves us from eternal unhappiness.

We find our true happiness in enjoying and glorifying God.
We seek to grow in our understanding and appreciation of everything that Jesus did for us on the cross.
We go into our communities and the whole world proclaiming the good news of eternal joy, happiness and rest In Jesus Christ.

The gospel shaped life

Empowered by God’s Spirit, we are to live what we call a gospel centred life.
Gospel is the word we use to describe this good news announcement of full and satisfying life in Jesus Christ.

This gospel gives shape to every area of our lives:
Jesus loved us and gave himself for us, we are to love sacrificially like him.
Jesus died to uphold the justice of God, we are to be those who work for justice like Jesus.
Jesus left his home to seek and save the lost, we are to get out there to see lost people found as they put their hope in Jesus.

At Great Vic we have three defining values and this is what we are all about as a church.

– Glorifying the God of the gospel
– Growing in our understanding and appreciation of the gospel.
– Going into our city and the world with the gospel.

We would love for you to join us in this journey.
If you want to hear more please send a message to us here. Email: