What’s On
Find out more about what is happening in the life of the church each week below

Our crèche runs on Sunday mornings from around half-way through our service. This is a safe environment, supervised by trained volunteers, with lots of toys, games and music, where little ones can play, make friends and are introduced to church life. If you would like to stay with your child you are more than welcome to do so, otherwise those supervising crèche would be happy to look after them for you.

Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings, from around half-way through our service. There are two groups that meet, one for those from Foundation to P4, and the other for those P5-P7. During their time together, the children sing songs, learn memory verses and learn from stories and passages from God’s Word. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to send a message via the Contact Us section on the website, or speak to a deacon on duty on a Sunday morning.

We meet every other Wednesday evening at the church at 7:45pm to sing, hear a short devotion from God’s word, and then to pray together. We’d love you to join us as we seek the Lord and praise him together.

Every other Wednesday evening during term time we gather in small groups, meeting in various homes around the local area. In small groups we seek to help each other grow to become more like Christ, as we study the bible, pray for each other, and spend time more informally with each other.

ABIDE is a meeting for women of all ages, where we seek to grow together in Christ. We meet at the church on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7.45pm, usually finishing around 9.00pm when we continue to enjoy informal fellowship over a cup of tea or coffee.

At Great Vic, we want to see those from different walks of life join in and be a part of all aspects of church life, while also organising some specific gatherings where we can meet, build friendships and be encouraged together. Events for those in their 20s or 30s include informal gatherings after church, Mourne walks, watching sporting events (like the 6 Nations), making pottery, and a Weekend Away.

As a church, we love welcoming students. We pray that students would be built up and encouraged by God’s word and by fellowship with other believers, giving them a solid foundation from which they can continue on in service of the Lord for the rest of their lives. If you’re a student we’d love to offer you the opportunity to meet regularly with a slightly older Christian, to study the Bible, pray and share life together. We also run occasional specific student events.

For those around the retirement age and above, we have an informal gathering at the church on the fourth Tuesday morning of each month, from 11-12:30. During this time, we enjoy fellowship together over tea, coffee and scones, sing, pray, and hear a short devotion from God’s word, or an update from one of our missionaries.

We aim to be a church where people from all nations can come and worship the Lord together, finding friendship and a warm welcome. If you are new to Belfast, or just looking for a church to come along to, we’d love to welcome you along to any of our gatherings together!